Wills Creek Museum

Wills Creek Museum – Cumberland Maryland

CUMBERLAND, MARYLAND – Wills Creek Museum invites you to learn more about the regional native Americans, historic Fort Cumberland, General Braddock, George Washington’s first commission, and Charlotte Bristowe Brown. The Wills Creek Museum is in Phase 1 opening at the historic Hoye House on the grounds of Emmanuel Episcopal Church, 28 Washington Street, in Cumberland, Maryland. https://www.facebook.com/willscreekmuseum/ video by Stone Lyons Media https://stonelyonsmedia.com

Heritage Days Cumberland MD – George Washington’s Saddle Lesson

CUMBERLAND, MARYLAND – John Koopman portraying George Washington at the Cumberland, Maryland Heritage Days Festival on September 14, 2024. Enjoy a lesson on the two types of saddles used by George Washington during his lifetime. Learn more about the history of Cumberland, Maryland at the Wills Creek Museum located at 28 Washington Street, Cumberland, Maryland. https://www.facebook.com/willscreekmuseum/ video by Stone Lyons Media https://www.stonelyonsmedia.com