P3 Cost Analysts with Larry Levine – SAVING HOTELS MONEY!

WATCH ON YOUTUBE FOR BEST RESOLUTION! Looking to help your hotel save money at no additional cost? Contact Larry Levine with P3 Cost Analysts: LLevine (at) CostAnalysts.com | 410-205-2475 Tell him you watched his P3 Cost Analysts video on the Stone Lyons Media Youtube Channel. Video by Stone Lyons Media: www.stonelyonsmedia.com

Chouquette – Chocolates & Confections

Come learn how Sarah Dwyer, owner of Chouquette – Chocolates & Confections, not only loves to make chocolate, but is giving back to her community! www.Chouquette.us video by Stone Lyons Media. www.StoneLyonsMedia.com

Jobs With Justice – Expanded Bargaining 101

For their 2020 Convention in Atlanta, Jobs With Justice hired Stone Lyons Media to create an explainer video on expanded bargaining. Expanded Bargaining 101 – Learn how the concept of expanded bargaining is transforming working people’s power. video produced by Stone Lyons Media www.StoneLyonsMedia.com